Stephanie Shek
TDR Certification: November 2022
Languages Speaks: English, Cantonese
Does Sessions In: English
Location: Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Email: stephanie@thelovingenergy.com
Website: www.thelovingenergy.com
Thank you for connecting with me!
Since childhood my dream has always been to hang out with friends and that everyone is happy. This deep desire lead me to embark on my own TDR journey, so that I could connect with Malka, other participants of Malka’s TDR project and later, my TDR classmates.
Today, I’m living my dream as I guide my clients onto a joyous vibrant life through the TDR process. I feel honoured to be walking this part of their journey with them, and to be the witness of their tears, anger, fear, struggle, strength, realization, and their glow as a result in becoming the magnificence of who they truly are.
I would love to connect with you too!
Stephanie 石
The Loving Energy
P.S. If you would like to receive a monthly Sekhem Pyramid Transmission to accentuate your transformational process, sign up for my newsletter through using this link: https://page.co/pwremu
Other Certifications:
Sekhem Master Practitioner and Teacher
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Level 2
Beyond Quantum Healing
Quantum Pain Relief
Other Modalities:
Land and Property Healing with Sekhem
Going through the TDR process guided by Stephanie has been such a transformation for me, and I love every part of this experience! Stephanie is so supportive, sincere, flexible, in tune, and she has been so patient and accommodating with my longer-than-usual time frame. Ever since Stephanie introduced me to the preparation exercises, I find myself in a wonderful and powerful transformation that continues to unfold, even weeks after the TDR session, as I am writing right now. My session experience has helped me to feel confident and whole, to trust myself and life, and to know and remember with certainty who I am. All the health conditions I put down on the form improved, some to the point of complete health, including scoliosis, eyesight, worries and frustration, my tendency to neglect myself and others, etc. This process has changed my life in a profound way, as shift has been so fundamental. I am able to feel complete, be in the flow, and have a new sense of joy and wonder in life in my everyday consciousness. It’s so amazing that it not only affect me but also those around me. As I allow myself to be more in the flow, life also flows better for my family and everyone is in a better mood!
Milly S
The Divine Reveal quantum experience is a journey full of emotions of laughter and tears and peeling back the layers to the core of who YOU really are, and connecting with the sheer bliss of love and joy within YOU. Stephanie was a delight in guiding me through our many connections via Zoom to achieving MY divineness within . Apart from gaining a whole new outlook and perspective within Me and everyday life, I feel that I gained a friendship with Stephanie through her empathy and ability in showing me the way to reaching a maximum result in my TDR session , in such a compassionate and knowledgeable way .. Thankyou from my heart to yours Stephanie . Forever grateful
Tricia D
Stephanie facilitated a TDR session for me. Her generous, kind and loving energy was felt from the moment I sent her an email to get more information. The TDR session was wonderful as I was able to reconnect more to myself and with her gentle guidance it felt like I remembered so much more of who I am. After the session and even before the follow up sessions started, more information kept flowing intuitively in about various aspects of my life and possible ways to proceed. The follow up sessions were also very helpful and served as reminders to help get me back into that state of connectedness and remembrance. After I made the commitment to work with Stephanie, I could tell that I was already making changes on a deep level as various emotions and circumstances were surfacing for me to deal with. Once I had the session though, I really noticed a change that first week. The biggest change that first week was that throughout each day, my happiness levels would skyrocket for no apparent reason, I would simply feel happiness emanating from me, like I was the source of it. Thank you Stephanie!
Vicki U
Excellent Practitioner For Healing And Exploration Of Consciousness
Stephanie was very helpful and thorough in guiding me in preparations to follow ups of The Divine Reveal. She is very light and playful and is so ready to come up with many creative suggestions for what I can do to improve my everyday patterns of thinking and behaviors. During TDR session she allowed me to explore my deep emotions of past traumas. They came up to be acknowledged before I could go into Oneness state as if they needed to be flushed out first. It would have been easy for a practitioner to try to lead me into more positive experiences of Oneness but Stephanie flowed with what came up. Because of that I was able to go peacefully into positive state afterwards and my traumatic wound got such loving attention and healing it needed. I really appreciate that she went with what came up. That also tells me that she is so well experienced in guiding these sessions. I felt so very well supported. Because of her ability to flow and allow anything to come up, she creates space for magic to take place. I cannot recommend her enough for anybody’s journey of consciousness and healing.
Banchan Bamba
Stephanie is kind and cheerful which makes working with her a real joy, working with her has been an uplifting experience. One of the remarkable qualities that sets Stephanie apart is her remarkable patience and exceptional listening skills. She always made me feel heard and valued, creating a safe space for me to express myself without judgment. She never rushed me and always listened carefully to what I had to say. Her ability to discern just what I needed to hear and when to say it was amazing. Her insights and encouragement were always very helpful.
Stephanie possesses a deep understanding of the NDE and TDR topics. She skillfully guided me through TDR process with kindness and love. The experience was amazing and transformative. Before working with her, I often found myself anxious and overwhelmed, constantly tending to the needs of others, even when I was sick. However, thanks to Stephanie's guidance and support, I have undergone a significant transformation. Today, I can confidently prioritize self-care, taking the time I need to rest without guilt. I've also learned to say 'no' when it's necessary. Stephanie's guidance has also empowered me to be more assertive in all aspects of my life. She had a profound impact on my personal evolution. I am immensely grateful for the positive influence she has had on my journey.
Diana W.
The Importance Of Letting Go
For several years I have been on a journey of healing and carrying with me the question "who am I?" During this journey I have been challenged through many things, including depression, deep issues in my intimate relationship and very low energy and self motivation. I have been trying very hard... but felt like failing, again and again in my attempts to get better or make big changes. I think along the way I underestimated what this failing prepared me for and how it worked to my benefit as we so easily think of progress being connected with success. I found Stephanie immeasurably patient, generous and loving. She has given me really good prompts and brought lightness in times of feeling very heavy. Due to my turbulences and low energy I often found it hard to engage in the homework that was set in the TDR process but Stephanie was always encouraging, giving me the feeling I am doing well. She guided me through the TDR session with confidence and skill and I didn’t realize how much time went by while I was in quite a deep trance state. It felt like a very deep and beautiful guided meditation. First, I had doubts after the session about it having initiating the shift I was looking for, but I learned something very important, how I am holding on and how I am trying too hard. I felt like letting go of every method and practice I had been engaged in for a while, and after the TDR session I put this step into action. It felt important for me as a means to stand alone on my feet, trusting fully in my power and ability. The TDR session is now a week past and I experience a new freshness and a great amount of energy and an inner peace and freedom that I put to a great extend to the deeper learning and experience in the TDR session and my new found ability of letting go of the old, a greater opening and trust to my deeper self and to a greater embodiment of my spirituality in everyday life.
Experiencing the Divine Reveal with Stephanie was wonderful
Stephanie is wonderful, and I had a blast getting to know her and experiencing "The Divine Reveal" process. She is very intuitive and truly can help you shift into a higher version of yourself. the TDR process is comprehensive and covers all aspects of preparation of mind, body, heart, and soul. And you will experience the oneness and infinite love that is promised. Totally worth the time and money invested. I would highly recommend working with Stephanie in any capacity, you won't regret it.
Harry Kroner
Review Of TDR Process With Stephanie
I am a practitioner of BQH and was introduced to TDR and Stephanie Shek by a friend and colleague. On reading Stephanie's newsletter, I felt a strong connection with her energy and decided to embark on the TDR journey with an open mind. I was not working on any specific issue, just wanted to explore. My TDR hypnosis session built up from previous hypnosis modalities and took me to a place where for the first time I experienced Source as a trinity of energies (male as fire, female as water and my own essence as being birthed through vapour, ether). It felt extremely healing to be acknowledged simultaneously by both father and mother Source energies. I’m very grateful as this perfectly correlated and supported my personal and professional situation. I work with quantum bioresonance, the four elements and dragon energy routinely. Three Spirit animals represented me on my TDR hypnosis journey: an old matriarch elephant, a dolphin and a birth (the phoenix).
I could not believe when two days after the session, I pulled an oracle card and the card was “Lemurian Shaman” who gets supported by three animals …the elephant, the dolphin and the bird, in the exact same order. Amazing synchronicity. I found TDR to be both, a soft and nurturing modality but also a self-empowering process. Having had an NDE myself as a young girl, it felt very poignant when at the very last few seconds of the TDR hypnosis, I received the same closing message that I did during my NDE: “I am not alone”. I recommend TDR as a self-exploration method to self-empower and nurture by re-connecting with your own essence. Above all, I recommend Stephanie Shek as practitioner for her soft energy and dedication as she perfectly embodies the gentleness of Kuan Yin, goddess of compassion. Thank you, Stephanie and look forward to working with you again soon! Much love and gratitude.
TDR process and sessions are articulated to go deep down to the problem one is facing. I found the process very helpful in using the technique of the programme to resolve my problems, under the guidance of Stephanie. My main issue was not being able to go deeper in meditations and letting go of the emotional trauma of losing my husband. Stephanie led the sessions by following the process and giving examples. As I was doing the exercises for homework by asking myself the questions. I was letting go of my belief systems. The meditations orchestrated by Stephanie’s soft and gentle voice brought a sense of peace and relief. I continued using the scripts for meditations, hence I have started going deeper in meditations everyday. I enjoy meditating every night. Look forward to meditating everyday and during the day I find myself in the state of being in oneness. The state I always was looking to be in. Thank you Malka,for birthing “TDR” and engaging Stephanie as my facilitator with such a gentle and soft voice, an asset to TDR.
Love and Light,
Su, business owner
To all of those considering choosing to invest in a session, it is worth it. Please do yourself the favor. Words cannot entirely convey what I want to express, however I will try. This is a situation where you will need to be present and focus on yourself. You will learn more about yourself and learn to let go of what you no longer need, as well as see new truths about your own life, perhaps even learning to be in a whole new way. Stephanie is magical, and sees beyond and through our constructed walls and programs, and offers much wisdom and perspective. Her focus on myself, my needs, and my growth was 200%. The TDR program she has facilitated has been so very transformational. She has greatly assisted my journey and I will be forever grateful for her. 🙏🏻
Tara, art teacher
Stephanie is one beautiful, kind and caring soul with a big heart who holds space beautifully and makes you feel ever so welcome and safe.
I really enjoyed reading Anita Moorjani’s book and discussing it in preparation of the TDR session itself.
I also really appreciate the support group because of the sense of community, the meditations and the opportunity to share with like-minded souls in a safe space.
Ariane, Germany
I Knew, but Didn’t Realize the Importance
A big debt of gratitude goes to Stephanie for all her time and attention to personalize my experience. I think of myself as an analytical person and sessions like these in the past haven’t seemed to phase me, until Stephanie walked me through the TDR process. Yes, most all the things she taught were very familiar to me, but until I really took the time to participate in the conversations, do the exercises and integrate the homework in preparation for my session, did I recognize the importance of them.
Stephanie’s sweet, patient and non-judgmental personality allowed me to always feel like I was moving towards the goal, even though I’d forget to do some of the exercises and homework. Not only did my TDR session highlight my blockage and next step in evolving spiritually, but Stephanie’s intuitive nature also picked up on exactly what I needed to integrate from my experience and incorporate that in our session follow ups.
Since my TDR session and follow ups have been completed, I still listen to my session recordings over and over again. I have found it easy to get right back to where I was in my session to explore more, experience more and gain further insights. My spiritual growth and expansion continues as I integrate the insights I’m receiving on an ongoing basis.
I highly recommend Stephanie for assisting you in revealing The Divine within you.
Lori, dune buggy coach
My TDR session was profound. Stephanie carefully guided me into what I can only describe as a quantum state, where I felt at peace, powerful and expanded. In this state I was able to explore problem areas in my life, and examine them in a new light, from a higher perspective. Since the session ended I feel more deeply connected to my body and spirit. I’ve had improvements in physical pain, emotional wellbeing, and spiritual clarity. I would highly recommend this session to anyone who’s interested.
LeMar, lawyer
Stephanie facilitated a TDR session for me. Her generous, kind and loving energy was felt from the moment I sent her an email to get more information. The TDR session was wonderful as I was able to reconnect more to myself and it felt like I remembered so much of who I am with her gentle guidance. After the session and even before the follow up sessions started, more information kept flowing intuitively in about various aspects of my life and possible ways to proceed. The follow up sessions were also very helpful and served as reminders to help get me back into that state of connectedness and remembrance.
Once I made the commitment to work with Stephanie, I could tell that I was already making changes on a deep level as various emotions and circumstances were surfacing for me to deal with. Once I had the session though, I really noticed a change that first week. The biggest change that first week was that throughout each day, my happiness levels would skyrocket for no apparent reason, I would simply feel happiness emanating from me, like I was the source of it.
Thank you Stephanie!
Vicki U
Beautiful TDR Process
I came to Stephanie with a lot of anxiety, a major worry being my son’s life-threatening food allergies. I was also hoping to release the physical symptoms triggered by this anxiety, and the many beliefs blocking me from fully enjoying life. I was curious about the TDR process and I honestly thought I was asking for too much :) But I can happily say that fears no longer rule my life! My anxiety reduced dramatically, whether in intensity, frequency or length of time the emotions stay with me. I feel much calmer, which is a very new feeling to me! Some issues I had totally disappeared, like the fact that I was clenching my jaws at night. Some ceased to be issues when I realized that what I considered an issue was actually a belief I had that something was not quite right with me. My TDR session in itself was wonderful, and filled me with feelings of joy, unconditional love and trust that I can feel rippling in my life weeks after. I still listen to the short clips from the session to keep the magic going! I thought at first that the preparatory and follow-up sessions would be “accompanying” sessions only, but the different exercises and meditations actually turned out to be of tremendous help to me, and Anita Moorjani’s book “Dying to be me” was a real eye-opener that I keep referring to. Last but certainly not least, I felt very comfortable with Stephanie, totally supported and beautifully guided. I was so looking forward to our sessions. I’m very grateful for such an in-depth technique, thank you!
Allowing To Be Me - TDR Process
My TDR process started with the book of Anita Moorjani - her message is simple but it is so important to live this way every day! The preparation sessions helped me to be conscious about my thoughts and emotions, stay positive and see my limiting beliefs. The TDR session was really relaxing, I felt peaceful, free, one with everyone and everything on the universe, free of judgment. It was natural. I felt I had everything in me to be happy. I felt 18/20 after. Stephanie created a safe, helpful space during the sessions where we could discuss anything about my life. The support group is full of loving people who helped me feel better when I was down. I gained in faith and confidence thanks to this process with Stephanie. I'm very grateful.
Barbara M.